What items can be placed in the dumpster?
It is best to use the dumpster for similar items. Keep it simple. If you order a dumpster for construction site waste, make sure it is loaded only with construction debris. If a dumpster is needed for brush removal, load it only with brush. Some landfills will only take certain kinds of waste. Call our customer service department for questions concerning what types of waste can be discarded in a particular container.

What kind of items cannot be placed in the dumpster?
A dumpster can be loaded with almost any type of similar (comparable) waste, but there are some exceptions. Always check with customer service in advance if you need to dispose of: hazardous and corrosive materials, tires, metal barrels (55 gal, etc.), asbestos, large pieces of concrete (because of weight), most liquids, and dead animals. We will not accept those items unless you’ve made advance arrangements with us and our customer service department has given its approval.

What size dumpster will I need for my job?
Call our customer service department and have the square footage of your job, and a list of all items that you will be disposing of, and we will assist you in deciding what size dumpster you will need. Most construction jobs will require a 30-yard roll-off container due to the bulkiness of most building materials. Some may only need a 20-yard box while others may need a 40-yard container.

How long can we keep the dumpster?
Normally we try to help a customer determine how long a dumpster will be needed so that an accurate quote can be given. You can typically keep the dumpster as long as needed.


This is what sets Markim Services apart from other container service companies. With our focus on customer service, we are simply your best choice. We operate knowing that the customer is the single most important factor of our success.



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